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Covering the White House, covering Obama

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The White House Beat, Uncovered

What the hacks of 1600 Penn really think.

May/June 2014

The White House Correspondents’ Association began as a response to Woodrow Wilson’s threat to end presidential press conferences. A century later, White House reporters no longer have to line up outside the fence each morning to shout their questions, but they’re still fighting for access: Photographers rarely get candid shots of President Obama, while reporters vie for coveted interviews with him or simply for on-the-record quotes from administration officials addicted to anonymity.

So what’s it really like on a beat one FDR-era reporter called “devoid of allurements to all except chess players and gentlemen in need of sleep”? Politico Magazine asked the members of the White House press corps to share their thoughts in the most comprehensive survey yet of this unique group of journalists.

Fourth Estate

Dateline: 1600 Penn

White House reporters go on the record about the presidential beat.

May/June 2015

The annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner might be all about glamor and glitz, but is covering the most powerful person in the world all it’s cracked up to be? As part of Politico Magazine’s second annual survey, we turned the tables on the White House press corps and asked them to go on the record about reporting from inside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

From the most overrated part of the job to the question they’re least likely to get answered, here’s what journalists on the beat had to say.


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