Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Inside Spain 2016 (RIE, W. Chislett)

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Real Instituto Elcano

Section specially commissioned for our monthly bilingual Boletín/Newsletter written by William Chislett, former correspondent of The Times in Spain (1975-78) and the Financial Times in Mexico (1978-84), who has lived in Madrid since 1986. Chislett writes regularly for the Elcano Royal Institute, which has published his books A New Course for Spain: Beyond the CrisisThe Internationalization of the Spanish EconomySpanish Direct Investment in Latin America: Challenges and Opportunities, and Spain and the United States. The Quest for Mutual Rediscovery. (Note: publication of Inside Spain resumed in April 2012 after a break of four months).

Inside Spain Nº 134 – 20 December 2016

Inside Spain Nº 133 – 29 November 2016

Inside Spain Nº 132 – 18 October 2016

Inside Spain Nº 131 – 21 September 2016

Inside Spain Nº 130 – 19 July 2016

Inside Spain Nº 129 – 22 June 2016

Inside Spain Nº 128 – 24 May 2016

Inside Spain Nº 127 – 26 April 2016

Inside Spain Nº 126 – 29 March 2016

Inside Spain Nº 125 – 23 February 2016

Inside Spain Nº 124 – 21 January 2016

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