Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

14 junio, 2021
por Felipe Sahagún
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Turkey’s Role in Geopolitics (Chicago Council on Global Affairs Podcast) As a critical NATO ally and strategically located partner, Turkey’s assertive foreign policy strategy has global implications. Turkish President Erdoğan initially pursued “zero problems with neighbors” as a foreign policy strategy, but now relies on the country’s military might to … Continuar leyendo

1 agosto, 2020
por Felipe Sahagún
0 Comentarios

US troop withdrawal from Germany (WPR)

Candace Rondeaux Friday, July 31, 2020 According to Washington’s punditocracy, there are only two ways to interpret the Pentagon’s announcement Wednesday that it plans to move ahead with withdrawing nearly 12,000 U.S. troops currently stationed in Germany. One view is … Continuar leyendo