Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

18 abril, 2020
por Felipe Sahagún
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World Press Photo 2020

ÓSCAR CONDÉS @hoskarxataka Un año más, la World Press Photo Foundation ha dado a conocer los ganadores de la 63 edición del concurso World Press Photo que premia las imágenes más llamativas del año en el campo del fotoperiodismo. Especialmente la que tenéis en portada, obra del japonés Yasuyoshi Chiba, que … Continuar leyendo

14 abril, 2020
por Felipe Sahagún
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How COVID-19 is threatening press freedom (Journalist’s Resource)

By Ann Cooper April 13, 2020 As political leaders around the globe battle the coronavirus, a growing number of national governments are using the crisis to punish journalists for their critical reporting. The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists is an independent, non-profit … Continuar leyendo

4 abril, 2020
por Felipe Sahagún
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Coronavirus, Public Perceptions and the Dangers of “News Deserts”

  Coronavirus, Public Perceptions and the Dangers of “News Deserts” -For many reasons, areas of the US or segments of the populace don’t have – or don’t seek – access to fact-based, even existentially vital information. jean-paul marthoz@jpmarthoz L’économie … Continuar leyendo

26 marzo, 2020
por Felipe Sahagún
0 Comentarios

CPJ launches resources on COVID-19’s impact on journalist safety, press freedom

  CPJ launches resources on COVID-19’s impact on journalist safety, press freedom New York, March 26, 2020–As the coronavirus pandemic spreads globally and journalists scramble to safely cover the news, the Committee to Protect Journalists is offering resources to reporters, … Continuar leyendo