Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

30 abril, 2018
por Felipe Sahagún
0 Comentarios

Britain, France and the US (towards a new balance) -by @tunkuv

Move over Britain, France is America’s ‘special’ friend With Brexit, the UK has lost its global heft and its usefulness to Washington. By TUNKU VARADARAJAN 4/30/18, 4:00 AM CET Emmanuel Macron has been to Washington. He had a rollicking time with … Continuar leyendo

3 octubre, 2017
por Felipe Sahagún
0 Comentarios

Catalan separatism, explained in The WSJ

The War of Spanish Secession -Catalan separatists don’t represent a regional majority. Opinion Journal: Catalonia’s Kangaroo Referendum Hoover Institution Fellow Tunku Varadarajan on the Spanish region’s independence vote. Photo Credit: Getty Images. <iframe allowfullscreen=»true» webkitallowfullscreen=»true» mozallowfullscreen=»true» frameborder=»0″ scrolling=»no» … Continuar leyendo

5 diciembre, 2014
por Felipe Sahagún
0 Comentarios

Gibraltar, present and future (@tunkuv)

  Tunku Varadarajan        ✔ @tunkuv Am grateful to @LaVerdadCG for publishing a translated (& edited) version of my recent Gibraltar Chronicle Lecture … 12:23 PM – 29 Nov 2014 141128 La Verdad CG Gibraltar Es Británico y Europeo p. 10 Scribd … Continuar leyendo