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Why Germany’s Coronavirus Death Rate Is Far Lower Than In Other Countries

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As confirmed cases of coronavirus in Germany soared past 10,000 last week, hundreds of Berliners crowded Volkspark am Friedrichshain to play soccer, basketball, and let their kids loose on the park’s many jungle gyms.

The conditions seemed ideal for the spread of a virus that has killed thousands. Yet Germany’s fatality rate so far — just 0.5% — is the world’s lowest, by a long shot.

«I believe that we are just testing much more than in other countries, and we are detecting our outbreak early,» says Christian Drosten, director of the institute of virology at Berlin’s Charité hospital.

As Europe has become the epicenter of the global coronavirus pandemic, Italy’s fatality rate hovers around 10%. France’s is at around 5%. Yet Germany’s fatality rate from COVID-19 has remained remarkably low since cases started showing up there more than a month ago. As of March 25, there were 175 deaths and 34,055 cases.

Drosten, whose team of researchers developed the first COVID-19 test used in the public domain, says Germany’s low fatality rate is due to his country’s ability to test early and often. He estimates Germany has been testing around 120,000 people a week for COVID-19 during the month-long period from late February to now, when it’s reached epidemic proportions in the country, the most extensive testing regimen in the world.


Wow. Germany is conducting 500,000 Coronavirus tests a week, according to the head of virology at Berlin’s Charite Hospital. Prof Drosten was speaking at a press briefing. Source: @reuters (March 26, 2020)
Sciences et Avenir, l'actualité de la science et la vie de la recherche dans le monde

Covid-19 : Comment expliquer le faible taux de mortalité en Allemagne ?

Fin mars 2020, alors que le coronavirus sévit depuis deux mois en Europe, l’Allemagne ne compte que 455 cas mortels pour 57.298 personnes infectées (chiffres du RKI en date du 30 mars). Comment expliquer ce « faible » taux de mortalité ? Retour sur la stratégie décidée par le gouvernement fédéral pour endiguer l’épidémie

Why Germany’s coronavirus death rate is so much lower…

By Loveday Morris (March 25, 2020 at 1:53 a.m. GMT+1)

BERLIN — For weeks, virologists here have been asked a persistent question: Why, compared to other countries, are so few of the Germans who are diagnosed with the coronavirus dying?

In Italy, 9.5 percent of the people who have tested positive for the virus have succumbed to covid-19, according to data compiled at Johns Hopkins University. In France, the rate is 4.3 percent. But in Germany, it’s 0.4 percent.

The biggest reason for the difference, infectious disease experts say, is Germany’s work in the early days of its outbreak to track, test and contain infection clusters. That means Germany has a truer picture of the size of its outbreak than places that test only the obviously symptomatic, most seriously ill or highest-risk patients.


Spain’s, the world’s hardest-hit country behind Italy

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