Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

16 años del 11-S // 16 years after 9/11

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Photo published for 16 years after 9/11, the world is living in a dangerous new era of terrorism
16 years after 9/11, the world is living in a dangerous new era of  -Globalization has seen political and religious violence become an ever-present threat, both online and on the ground.  v @Newsweek_INT  
Photo published for Opinion | 9/11: Finding Answers in Ashes 16 Years Later

9/11: Finding Answers in Ashes 16 Years Later@nytimeseditorial   

New York’s medical examiners have never given up hope that their analysis of DNA can help identify the victims lost 16 years ago.

Avatares periodísticos el 11-S, con guiño final para los sempiternos bulos en estos casos. Muy bueno.   … 

Another implication is that Muslims should be protected from atrocities not bc they’re human, but bc otherwise they’ll turn into terrorists. 

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