Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

30 junio, 2016
por Felipe Sahagún
0 Comentarios

The backlash against globalisation

Robert Went @went1955 The economists (a.o. @rodrikdani@BrankoMilan and@JosephEStiglitz) who foresaw the backlash against globalisation — … 21:57 – 30 jun 2016 The consensus crumbles The economists who foresaw the backlash against globalisation

30 junio, 2016
por Felipe Sahagún
0 Comentarios

When are referenda appropriate? It depends…

Project Syndicate @ProSyn When are referenda appropriate? It depends on the question being asked, says Christopher Granville @TrustedSources1 02:00 – 30 jun 2016 Reforming the Referendum Brexit leader Boris Johnson declared in his victory speech that UK membership in the … Continuar leyendo