Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

New report on warming

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Temperature curve

UN researchers are set to publish their strongest statement yet on the science of climate change.

The report will likely detail significant changes to the world’s oceans, ice caps and land in the coming decades.

Due out on Monday, the report has been compiled by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

It will be their first global assessment on the science of global heating since 2013.

It is expected the forthcoming Summary for Policymakers will be a key document for global leaders when they meet in November.

The politicians are due to gather for a climate summit, known as COP26, in Glasgow.

After two weeks of virtual negotiations between scientists and representatives of 195 governments, the IPCC will launch the first part of a three-pronged assessment of the causes, impacts and solutions to climate change.

It is the presence of these government officials that makes the IPCC different from other science bodies. After the report has been approved in agreement with governments, they effectively take ownership of it.

On Monday, a short, 40-page Summary for Policymakers will be released dealing with the physical science.




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