Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

The Economist first issue

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Expiring commercial treaty with the Brazils

Renewed commercial negotiations with Portugal

The income tax

Court and aristocracy

The metropolis

Central Criminal Court

The provinces

Assize intelligence

Dreadful murder




Great free-trade demonstration at Liverpool

Movements of the Anti-Corn-law League




The world in miniature

Our library table


Commercial markets

«If a writer be conscious that to gain a reception for his favourite doctrine he must combat with certain elements of opposition, in the taste, or the pride, or the indolence of those whom he is addressing, this will only serve to make him the more importunate. There is a difference between such truths as are merely of a speculative nature and such as are allied with practice and moral feeling. With the former all repetition may be often superfluous; with the latter it may just be by earnest repetition that their influence comes to be thoroughly established over the mind of an inquirer.”—CHALMERS

Two sections of the first issue have been omitted from this online version: “The Gazette” of bankrupts, dividends, certificates, declarations of dividends, partnerships dissolved, declararations of insolvency, births, marriages and deaths; and advertisements.

Editor’s note: This week, to mark the 170th anniversary of the appearance of the first issue of The Economist on September 2nd 1843, this blog will answer some of the more frequently asked questions about The Economist itself.

The Economist explains itself

-Is The Economist left- or right-wing?

-Where do The Economist’s unusual names come from?


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