Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Al Qaeda’s fascinating map

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Too many so-called experts too many times have declared al-Qaeda, at least its hard core leadership, finished. Once and again -in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, the corn of Africa, Syria or the Sahel- new terrorist atttacks indicate a much more grey picture in the «long war» declared by George Bush against such an abstract enemy as terrorism (Obama corrected the terminology soon after he was elected in 2008) after 9/11. Max Fisher (Al-Qaeda’s world: A fascinating map of the group’s shifting global network) on Feb 4 2013, and  Gregg Miller and Joby Warrick (Although splintered, al-Qaeda finds new life in unstable areas) on Jan 27 2013 published in the Washington Post useful data, maps and infographics. FBI’s information on al-Qaeda’s leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, in the «most wanted list» on Feb 92013.

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