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Avoiding errors when reporting on academic studies

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This tip sheet outlines some of the many ways researchers can help the news media cover research accurately, starting with the journalists who interview them about their own work.

by  April 24, 2024

A common complaint I hear from researchers is that journalists make a lot of mistakes when they report on academic studies. They often describe study findings incorrectly, for example, or claim that a new paper proves something when it doesn’t.

I’ve written dozens of tip sheets in recent years to help journalists fine-tune their skills in choosing, vetting, understanding and explaining research as part of their reporting process. This tip sheet, however, is for researchers, who also play a role in helping journalists get it right.

Our main goal at The Journalist’s Resource is bridging the gap between newsrooms and academia to ensure news coverage of public policy issues is grounded in high-quality evidence — peer-reviewed research in particular.  Everyone benefits when journalists report accurately on research findings, especially the everyday folks who make decisions about their health and safety and their children’s futures based on that information.



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