Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Does terrorism work?

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Diego Muro  (coord.)

Experts are divided between those who maintain that terrorism is an effective tool for achieving political concessions and those who argue that only very few terrorist groups have ever secured their strategic goals in the long term. The success or otherwise of political violence is an issue of vital importance at both theoretical and practical levels for governments and societies facing terrorist threats, as well as for terrorist groups themselves (who are interested in the survival of the group). The operational importance is also unquestionable: identifying the conditions that lead to the failure of terrorism would be of great use to the security authorities. This edition addresses these and other recent contributions to the debate on the effectiveness of terrorism. It highlights a number of the inherent problems with the academic discussion and provides a series of case studies, from jihadist terrorism in the United Kingdom and France to the strategy of non-violence in Western Sahara, via revolutionary violence in El Salvador and Uruguay.

Introduction: Does terrorism work?
Diego Muro

Does terrorism work? The debates, problems, and a framework for future research
Richard English

Terrorism works in theory, but not in practice
Max Abrahms

When terrorism works: success and failure across different targets and goals
Peter Krause

What explains the survival of terrorist groups? Alliances and competition
Brian J. Phillips

Terrorism and state repression: strategy and norms in France and the UK
Frank Foley

Refraining from terror: the puzzle of non violence in Western Sahara
Matthew Porges and Christian Leuprecht

Violence and access to power in Latin America: Uruguay and El Salvador
Eduardo Rey Tristán and Alberto Martín ÁlvarezOther articles


Sporting mega-events in the BRICS countries: questioning their performance
Carlos Pulleiro Méndez

The long-awaited EU-Mercosur Association Agreement after fifteen years of negotiation
Manuel Cienfuegos Mateo

Book reviews (subjects)

Behind the veil of counter-terrorism
Lesley-Ann Daniels

The dark continent of clandestine political violence
Raúl López Romo

Madrid, 11th March 2004
Gaizka Fernández Soldevilla

A study on terror
Miguel Alberto N. Gómez

Political science and international relations: two disciplines, two manuals, one knowledge
Ariel Sribman Mittelman



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