Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Global Peace Operations Review

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The Global Peace Operations Review is an interactive web-portal presenting in-depth analysis and detailed data on military peacekeeping operations and civilian-led political missions by the United Nations, regional organizations and ad-hoc coalitions. The web-portal is a product of the New York University Center on International Cooperation (CIC) and a continuation of CIC’s long-standing print publications the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations and the Review of Political Missions.

Providing the most comprehensive overview of multilateral contributions to peacekeeping, conflict prevention, and post-conflict peacebuilding, the Review aims to initiate and inform discussions on the comparative advantages and appropriateness of different missions, and to further strengthen existing partnerships necessary for them to succeed.

Through the Country & Regional Profile pages, the Review provides background information and regularly updated key developments on peace operations and the country contexts they operate in. The analysis is further enhanced by the provision of detailed data on each of the UN’s peace operations, and headline data on missions fielded by regional organizations and ad hoc missions, which can be accessed in full through the Data & Trends section. The Strategic Summary provides an overview of main developments in mission settings over the past year and presents analysis on trends and what impact these may have on shaping peace operations of the future. Thematic essays presented in the In Focus section unpack issues critical to peace operations in providing analysis and guidance on possible approaches. The Library section enables readers to download full text pdf files of the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations (2006-2012) and the Review of Political Missions (2010-2012).



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