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Gold visualized in bullion bars

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 There’s surprisingly little Gold in the world & this infographic shows all the Gold ever mined. In this Gold infographic, by DEMON.OCRACY.INFO...,everything is calculated with Gold price at $2000/oz.  When Gold reaches $3110/oz, 1 oz of Gold & a $100 bill will have equal value in weight and it won’t matter if you have 1oz of $100 bills or 1oz of Gold. Gold is usually measured in Troy Ounces.

I knew about it thanks to the following twitt:

@sahagunfelipe Una de las mejores infografías sobre el oro: Gold Visualized in Bullion Bars  via @qmunty

@antifiborg was answering two twitts I had written a few minutes earlier:

F Zakaria, CNN: Alemania quiere recuperar y llevarse a Francfort las 300 toneladas de oro depositadas en la Reserva Federal de Nueva York. @sahagunfelipe Reserva Federal de N York almacena 6.700 toneladas de oro de gobiernos y bancos centrales: almacenamiento gratis. Sólo se paga el traslado.

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