Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Is Anyone Still Afraid of the United States? A Conversation With Robert Gates (Foreign Affairs)

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Passing a display of the U.S. flag in Times Square, New York City, January 2024 Andrew Kelly / Reuters

February 8, 2024

Last fall, former U.S. Secretary of Defense Bob Gates took to the pages of Foreign Affairs to issue a warning: with America facing the most dangerous geopolitical landscape in decades, dysfunction in Washington threatened to turn that danger into disaster.

Today, Russia and China are testing the international order. Iranian proxies are attacking U.S. forces on a daily basis. And, as Gates writes, “at the very moment that events demand a strong and coherent response, America cannot provide one.”

Gates worries that such dysfunction at home could prompt America’s foes to make risky bets—with catastrophic consequences for both the country and the world.



The Dysfunctional Superpower” by Robert M. Gates

A New Strategy Can Save Ukraine” by Stephen J. Hadley and Matthew Kroenig

The Overmilitarization of American Foreign Policy” by Robert M. Gates

AUDIO (36:15)

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