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Journalism, Media and Tech: 19 must read newsletters for journalists in 2019

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A list produced for my 2019 journalism in New York class, which culminates in a four day visit to newsrooms in NYC this June.

Prior to the trip, students pick two sources to read throughout the term- one daily newsletter, one weekly – from the list below. They then write a weekly journal providing their reflections on what they read that week. Four students are called on to talk about their analysis, in class, each week.

Daily Newsletters

Get into the habit of reading at least one of these, every day:

1. Columbia Journalism Review— Based in New York on Columbia University’s campus, CJR’s mission is “to be the intellectual leader in the rapidly changing world of journalism.”

2. Nieman Lab— the Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard, is “trying to figure out the future of news.” Has a dedicated audiences and social tab.

3. Poynter— provides daily news updates, training, events and a range of free (and paid) for online courses through NewsU .

4.— don’t let the UK URL fool you, offers tools, tips and news from around the world. (Disclaimer: I often write for them.)

5. American Press Institute Daily Newsletter— their daily “Need to Know” round-up is always full of good stuff.

6. Pew Journalism Daily Email — another daily email round-up (the big sites 1–4 above have these) which is always full of useful links and stories.

7. The Interface is a daily column from Casey Newton at The Verge, about the intersection of social media and democracy. Subscribe to the newsletter here .

8. CNN’s Reliable Sources— excellent, long, daily read with a key focus on the White House Press Corps, what media stories CNN is covering, plus major developments at broadcast networks and American media’s biggest players.

9. Digiday— news, events, and more looking at digital media and marketing. Lots of new content every day. Offers a valuable daily newsletter.



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