Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, 2 years later

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Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has shaken the geopolitical foundations of Europe and triggered a reassessment of transatlantic security. Two years later, CFR’s background and analysis tracks the course of the war and its lasting repercussions.

How Much Aid Has the U.S. Sent to Ukraine?

Resilient Ukraine Faces Defeat if U.S. Aid Falters

Ukraine’s Struggle for Independence

How Russia Stopped Ukraine’s Momentum

What Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview Means for the War

Global Perspectives on Ending the Russia-Ukraine War

Year Three of the Ukraine War

View more of CFR’s analysis of the war in Ukraine and watch our YouTube shorts for quick expert takes on Russia, Ukraine, and the conflict.

La guerra en Política Exterior

La guerra de Ucrania, en su tercer año –Jorge Dezcallar de Mazarredo.

Rusia enrocada –José Pardo de Santayana



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