Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Spanish priorities at UNGA75

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Profile photo, opens profile page on Twitter in a new tabSpain MFA@SpainMFA

The Director General for the #UN, International Organizations and #HumanRights of @SpainMFA, @Marcos_GomezM, explains what the priorities of #Spain will be at #UNGA75, which marks the 75th anniversary of the @UN in the midst of the #COVID19 pandemic. #UNGA #UN75
España en la ONU@SpainUN
Principales citas de en #UNGA75:
El Rey en #UN75

El Presidente del Gobierno @sanchezcastejon en el Debate General #UNGA, Cumbre @UNBiodiversity & #Beijing25. La ministra @MAECgob @AranchaGlezLaya en eventos paralelos.


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