Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Focus on Spanish Society: New issue of FUNCAS

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In the section Spain in Europe we examine two different issues: the leading position of Spain in Europe concerning the acquisition of citizenship by immigrants and the sharp decline in marriage.

According to Eurostat, Spain heads the list of European countries which have granted citizenship rights between 2009 and 2014. Around five million persons obtained citizenship of a European Union (28) Member State throughout these years; approximately one out of every six of them was naturalized as a citizen of Spain.

As regards marriage, its weakening can be considered as a very extensive phenomenon in contemporary Europe. However, the Southern European Catholic countries stand out for the sharp decline during the last decades. The intensity of the Spanish decrease can be unmistakably observed among people under 35. For example, in 1980 married females aged 20-34 represented two thirds of all women in that age group; in 2016 the corresponding proportion barely reached one fifth.

The section Public Opinion Trends includes survey evidence about the high satisfaction of Spanish people with family life and the meager satisfaction with public services, particularly with the administration of justice.

Finally, in the section Follow-up Social Data you can find updated statistics on Spanish demography, families, education, labor market and social protection.

We hope you find this publication a valuable tool to support your analysis and we look forward to receiving your feedback.


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