Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

17 abril, 2023
por Felipe Sahagún
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The SDG second half and how hournalists are covering the story (Brookings)

Ideas for doing things differently While more and more communities are engaging with and finding success with the SDGs, there remain widespread shortfalls. John W. McArthur introduces this collection of insights intended to spark bigger, broader, and bolder public debates … Sigue leyendo

21 enero, 2020
por Felipe Sahagún
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Official development aid of the US and the EU

Gérard Araud✔@GerardAraud Official development aid 2017. US : 30,7 Billion $ . EU and member states : 75,7 billion $. … Richard Grenell✔@RichardGrenell The U.S is the most generous country in the world. The American people are usually the largest … Sigue leyendo