Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

31 mayo, 2017
por Felipe Sahagún
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Zbigniew Brzezinski, an American strategist

Zbigniew Brzezinski and the untimely death of American statecraft The US in which the ex-national security adviser thrived valued independent thinkers Mika Brzezinski✔@morningmika Edward Luce, «Zbigniew Brzezinski and the untimely death of American statecraft» … 00:48 – 1 Jun 2017 Related Zbigniew … Continuar leyendo

10 enero, 2017
por Felipe Sahagún
0 Comentarios

Towards a new illiberal order? (Foreign Affairs)

Will the Liberal Order Survive? The liberal international order that emerged after 1945 was a loose array of multilateral institutions in which the United States provided global public goods and weaker states got some access in… Foreign Affairs✔@ForeignAffairs The … Continuar leyendo

14 julio, 2016
por Felipe Sahagún
0 Comentarios

Oxford IR bibliographies

International Relations International relations traditionally referred to the study of foreign affairs and political interaction between states. Today, the field covers the whole complex of cultural, economic, legal, military, and political relations of all states and their component populations, as … Continuar leyendo