Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

23 septiembre, 2019
por Felipe Sahagún
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Mining the future. How China is set to dominate the next Industrial Revolution (Foeign Policy)

 ELECTRIC VEHICLES  SOLAR PANELS  SMARTPHONES  WIND TURBINES  SATELLITES  SEMICONDUCTORS Select a product to see its component materials and Chinese control/influence over those materials. FP ANALYTICS – SPECIAL REPORT    MAY 1, 2019 A fight between the United States and China is brewing … Continuar leyendo

13 junio, 2017
por Felipe Sahagún
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The chessboard & the web (Anne-Marie Slaughter)

From a renowned foreign-policy expert, a new paradigm for strategy in the twenty-first century In 1961, Thomas Schelling’s The Strategy of Conflict used game theory to radically reenvision the U.S.-Soviet relationship and establish the basis of international relations for the … Continuar leyendo