Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

23 enero, 2016
por Felipe Sahagún
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International Relations (By R.J. Rummel )

  Volume 4 Expanded Contents | Figures | Tables Chapters 1. Perspective And Summary 3. The International Actors 4. International Behavior Space-Time 5. International Expectations And Dispositions 6. International Actor And Situation 7. International Sociocultural Space-Time 8. Interests, Capabilities, And … Continuar leyendo

13 octubre, 2015
por Felipe Sahagún
0 Comentarios

The Best Int Relations Schools in the World? Better say in the U.S.

U.S. scholars rank the top 25 IR programs for undergraduates, master’s, and Ph.D.s. By Daniel Maliniak, Susan Peterson, Ryan Powers, and Michael J. Tierney The road to Washington is paved with elite educations. Indeed, for young people hoping to secure … Continuar leyendo