Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

10 octubre, 2021
por Felipe Sahagún
0 Comentarios

The rise of the perils: is the trap of Tucidides closing? (FPI, Sep 9, 2021)

FINDING BALANCE IN AN UNSTABLE WORLD – Conference of the 27th of August moderated by Jean-Pierre Raffarin. Organized by the Foundation Prospective et Innovation with the cooperation of the the Vienne Departmental Council. WATCH HERE: SECOND PANEL: The rise of … Continuar leyendo

8 mayo, 2021
por Felipe Sahagún
0 Comentarios

How the US and EU can counter digital threats together (Atlantic Council)

In How The US and EU Can Counter Digital Threats Together, Harry I. Hannah argues that the United States should develop a strong collaborative relationship with the European Union (EU) in the digital and information sphere to close these gaps. According to Hannah, «Such … Continuar leyendo