Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Taliban’s victory

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Afghan Taliban militants and residents stand on an armored vehicle of the Afghan National Army as they celebrate a ceasefire in Maiwand district of Kandahar province on June 17, 2018. (Javed Tanveer/AFP/Getty Images)Afghan Taliban militants and residents stand on an armored vehicle of the Afghan National Army as they celebrate a ceasefire in Maiwand district of Kandahar province on June 17, 2018. (Javed Tanveer/AFP/Getty Images) (v @ForeignPolicy)

HOW THE TALIBAN WON -The U.S. framework agreement with the Taliban to end the Afghanistan War could pave the way for the Islamist group’s return to power in Kabul. How the group managed to outlast U.S. forces for more than 17 years and effectively win the war is a more a political story than a military one—and it centers on the Taliban’s relationship with Pakistan. Husain Haqqani, a former Pakistani ambassador to Washington, tells that story on First Person this week.

Don’t Trust  the Taliban’s Promises


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