Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

The world in 2020 (CFR)

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2020 Was the Year the Earth Stood Still

The COVID-19 pandemic brought travel around the world to an abrupt halt in 2020. Nations are still trying to grasp the consequences, and restarting movement could take years. Explore the year in pictures

How 2020 Shaped U.S.-China Relations

This year, tensions between Washington and Beijing flared over many issues including the coronavirus pandemic, a trade war, 5G networks and other technologies, and rights abuses in Xinjiang and Hong Kong. Read the expert roundup

Visualize the Biggest Headlines of the Year

James M. Lindsay

This week, U.S. Electoral College electors convened virtually or in person in state capitals across the country to cast their votes. The final vote tally to elect Joe Biden as president of the United States was 306 to 232. Read more on The Water’s Edge

Watch the Year in CFR Events

The year 2020 was like no other. Take a look back at how CFR brought together renowned experts and leaders to unpack one of the most challenging times for the United States and the world. Watch the Video

COVID-19 Made Cyber Problems Worse

In 2020, U.S. struggles to manage a record-breaking hurricane season were exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis. Intensifying storms reveal faults in infrastructure and disaster response that experts say must be addressed. Get the quick take

Panelists discuss the state of the World Health Organization, including the organization’s ability to coordinate a global vaccine. Watch the discussion

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