Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

UE Foreign Policy Scorecard 2013

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The European Foreign Policy Scorecard is an innovative project that provides a systematic annual assessment of Europe’s performance in dealing with the rest of the world. The scorecard assesses the performance of the 27 member states and the EU institutions on 79 policy areas arranged around the six key themes below.

Click here for the PDF, the Kindle, or the EPUB version of the Scorecard.

You can also get directly to the 6 issues assessed in the Scorecard by clicking on the links below, or navigate the document by clicking these links: AuthorsAcknowledgementsForewordPrefaceIntroductionMethodology – Abbreviations

Justin Vaisse, Hans Kundnani and Susi Dennison explain how the ECFR Scorecard works and why everybody with an interest in European foreign policy should pay attention to it. The Scorecard 2013 is published on 31st January.(Published on Jan 25, 2013)

The European Foreign Policy Scorecard, an @ecfr project that provides an annual assessment of Europe’s foreign policy 

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