Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

What comes next in Afghanistan

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In this emergency edition of the Newlines Institute’s Contours podcast, Contours host Nicholas Heras talks through the short-term scenarios in Afghanistan and the geopolitical maneuvers to follow now that the Taliban stands triumphant in Kabul with Kamran Bokhari, Rasha Al Aqeedi, and Caroline Rose. Kamran Bokhari is a globally recognized expert on Afghanistan and the Director for Analytical Development at the Newlines Institute. Rasha Al Aqeedi is the Senior Analyst and Program Head for Nonstate Actors at the Newlines Institute who has been closely following the Taliban’s transition from nonstate authority to a state. Caroline Rose is the Senior Analyst and Program Head for Power Vacuums who has been gaming the geopolitical scenarios in Asia in the wake of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.


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