Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Willing to fight for your country?

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A global survey from WIN/Gallup International, the world’s leading association in market research and polling shows that 61% of those polled across 64 countries would be willing to fight for their country, while 27% would not.

However, there are significant differences by region.  Willingness to fight is highest in the M.E.N.A. region (83%) while it is lowest in Western Europe (25%). 

A history of those countries in recent conflict provides an interesting comparison.  The Japanese (11%) are the least likely of 64 countries polled to be willing to fight for their country.  Results from Germany are very similar – 13% willing to fight.  By comparison these numbers more than double in the UK (27%) and France (29%).

A majority (52%) of women surveyed across the globe said they would be willing to fight (vs. 67%) among men. Those aged 18-34 years (66%) are the most willing.  Of the variety of religious denominations covered in the survey we see those Muslims (78%) are most willing to fight for their country.

Jean-Marc Leger, President of WIN/Gallup International Association, said: “One hundred years on from the start of the First Great War we find that 61% of the world’s citizens are willing to fight for their country.   However, the true story is in the regional comparison and in a time of such turmoil in the Middle East it is noticeable that willingness to fight is highest in the MENA region.


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.@sahagunfelipe@Gallup sería interesante compararlo con el ‘Inglehart–Welzel Cultural Map’ (WVS)


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