Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Britain alone

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ImagenIn this address to the IIEA, Philip Stephens offers his analysis on the role of a post-Brexit UK in the world. He reflects on his latest book Britain Alone: The Path from Suez to Brexit (2021), which draws on decades of personal contact and interviews with senior politicians and diplomats in Britain, the United States and across the capitals of Europe. The book has been described as “a profoundly perceptive survey of Britain’s post-war role on the global stage.” About the Speaker: Philip Stephens is an award-winning journalist and chief political commentator at the Financial Times. He was previously director of the Financial Times  editorial board. Throughout his career, he has had unique access to foreign policymakers in Britain and around the world. Mr Stephens has won the David Watt Prize for Outstanding Political Journalism; the UK Political Studies Association’s Political Journalist of the Year; and Political Journalist of the Year in the British Press Awards. He is the author of Politics and the Pound and Tony Blair.

IIEA Feb 12, 2021


Britain Alone: The path from Suez to Brexit – Philip Stephens

Book review: Britain Alone, by Philip Stephens

Viewpoint by Jonathan Power*

The Implications and Consequences of United Kingdom Exit from the EU’, edited by Patrick J. Birkinshaw and Andrea Biondi




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