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Fred Friendly and a journalism lesson by Scott Pelley

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The Quinnipiac University School of Communications presented the Fred Friendly First Amendment Award to Scott Pelley, anchor and managing editor of «The CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley.»

The School of Communications honors journalists who have shown courage and forthrightness in preserving the rights set forth in the First Amendment. The award bears the name of the former CBS News president and champion of freedom of speech. MORE

Published on May 10, 2013

Who was Fred Friendly? I had the honour to know him. Friendly inaugurated the 1976-77 course at Columbia School of Journalism. I remembered perfectly his presentation. First, he projected the film he made in the nazi’s camps right after World War II ended, when the first journalists could get into that hell on earth. Afterwards he showed a selection of his McCarthy’s collection with some of the most intense and vivid images of the Senate debates. Finally he went up to the podium and commented in a very warm tone what he felt in each of those historical occasions and what he learned, as a professional and as a human being, as the TV producer who brought them to the large public through CBS. 

A short documentary video about journalist Fred Friendly, produced by the School of Communications.

Watch video

A story and photos from the latest award presentations
David Fanning (2011)
Charles Gibson (2008)
Gwen Ifill (2010)
Martha Raddatz (2012)
Morley Safer (2009)


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