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Best Free Reference Web Sites 2013

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Best Free Reference Web Sites 2013 15th Annual List RUSA Emerging Technologies in Reference Section (MARS)

This is an annual series initiated under the auspices of the Emerging Technologies in Reference Section (MARS) of the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) of ALA to recognize outstanding reference sites on the World Wide Web.View selection criteria.

«Since the Web is a changing world, readers should note that these Web sites were as annotated on the date the member reviewed the site. Reviewing previous lists is not part of the charge of the Committee (formerly the Task Force on the Best of Free Reference Web Sites). However, we will make note of updated links, or other very substantial changes (such as a conversion from free to fee-based), if they are brought to our attention.» RUSA Quarterly Fall 2001.

Best Free Web Committee Roster | Combined Index

Census Bureau: Economic Indicators,,,

City Mayors: Mayors running the world’s cities,


Compare 50: Comparing Economic Performance Across the United States,

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