Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

España ante el cambio climático // Spanish citizens and climate change

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Graph 3. Opinion about Spain’s actions to address climate change, according to ideology In %; N=990. Source: Lázaro Touza, González Enríquez, Escribano Francés (2019: 32)

by  and   11/10/2019

Spain is both a climate hot spot and one of the largest GHG emitters in the EU-28 (see table 1). It does not yet have a framework Climate Change and Energy Transition Law, despite its commitment at COP21 in Paris back in 2015. Acceptance of such a law by citizens is paramount to its success. However, knowledge regarding support for a framework climate law is limited. In order to support the analysis prior to the adoption of said law the Elcano Royal Institute carried out a survey to understand citizens’ concern regarding climate change and their support for different elements, instruments and processes that could be included in Spain’s future Climate Change and Energy Transition Law. This survey builds on Elcano’s previous work on legislating for a low carbon transition, in liaison with the Grantham Research Institute of the London School of Economics. The most salient results from the survey can be summarised as follows.


For a more detailed analysis and more data, see “Los españoles ante el cambio climático”.

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