Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Journalism resources (Shorenstein)

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What makes for responsible, distinguished Election Day coverage?

From interpreting exit polls to properly articulating uncertainty around data, reporters and editors face many challenges. We offer some rules of thumb and links to helpful research.

Misinformation trends and why deeper journalism matters

Our research director, Tom Patterson, examines the rise of misinformation and ways it can be combated. An essay for the newly launched U.S. edition of The Conversation website.

The state of knowledge on fracking and its consequences

A comprehensive study in the Annual Reviews of Environment and Resources synthesizes scholarship on the costs and benefits of hydraulic fracturing in oil and gas operations.

Voter ID laws and voter-fraud accusations: The empirical evidence

A new study from the U.S. Government Accountability Office looks at rates of ID ownership and turnout implications, and quantifies effects on minority voters.

Midterm Congressional elections: Why the president’s party typically loses

Data and scholarship relating to how voters tend to behave in U.S. midterms, with a focus on a Duke University study analyzing the most recent election cycle.

Global warming, rising seas and coastal cities: Impacts and adaptation

With coastal regions booming, climate change is putting billions in infrastructure and GDP at risk. We round up studies on the challenges and on strategies to address threats.

The massive and growing volume of free research on the Web

Study by Penn State computer scientists estimates the total number of scholarly documents on the Web — more than 114 million, with about one-quarter now free.


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