Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

La Carta de la ONU // The UN Charter

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Balance de 2013 de Naciones Unidas

(English Year Review)


(Transcripción) 2013 – Entre convulsiones y crisis continuas, fue un año de avances diplomáticos importantes mientras las Naciones Unidas trabajaban para negociar la paz, infundir esperanza y definir un futuro sostenible para todos.

Guerra civil en Siria- Después de dos años, más de 120.000 personas han muerto, 2 millones han abandonado el país y millones más dentro se están quedando sin alimentos y sin agua. La ONU y sus agencias hicieron todo lo posible para asistir a los afectados, a pesar de los tremendos problemas logísticos y de seguridad.. El Programa Mundial de Alimentos, por ejemplo, utilizó breves momentos de calma entre combates para enviar alimentos a civiles atrapados.

En agosto, el mundo se conmocionó al tener noticias de un ataque con armas químicas a gran escala, que mató a civiles e incluso a niños Después de meses de estancamiento, el Consejo de Seguridad se unió finalmente para apoyar la rápida destrucción del programa de armas químicas de Siria y hacer un llamamiento a las partes para negociar una solución política a la crisis… seguir leyendo


Naciones Unidas

Órganos principales

Colaboración con la ONU

UN Peacekeeping year in review 2013


The Charter of the United Nations is the founding document of the United Nations.  It was signed on 26 June 1945, in San Francisco, at the conclusion of the United Nations Conference on International Organization, and came into force on 24 October 1945.

The current status of this agreement can be found on the UN Treaty Collection website.

UN Charter:

History of the Drafting of the Charter

Secretary-General Receives Certified Copy of UN Charter Title page of the United Nations Charter in English raq Signs the United Nations Charter The 1946-47 Yearbook of the United Nations has a detailed history of the negotiations leading up to the adoption of the Charter in Part I, Chapter 1 (pdf). 

 The History of the UN Charter webpage offers a basic overview.

The Audiovisual Library of International Law Historic Archives has a procedural history for the Charter with links to digitized photos and video footage.

Research Charter Articles

Two UN publications present the activities of the organization as they relate to the Articles of the Charter.

The Repertory of Practice of United Nations Organs is a legal publication, organized by article of the Charter, that shows how the organization has applied and interpreted the Charter through its decisions and related documentation. Each supplement to the Repertory covers a certain time period. 

The Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council is a similar legal publication that details the deliberations and actions of the Security Council. Currently the online version is structured in 10 parts, some of which correspond to specific chapters of the Charter.  

Both the Repertory and the Repertoire are useful to scholarly researchers looking for historic information about the activities of the United Nations and the related documentation.

Charter Commentaries

Treaty commentaries are reference books that explain the meaning of the parts of the treaty. There are several commentaries on the UN Charter. 

In general, the commentaries are organized by article of the Charter and provide a bibliography of selected articles and books, give a brief procedural history of the drafting of the article, and describe how each article has been expressed in the practice of the organization.

Cover Art
The Charter of the United Nations – Edited by Bruno Simma; Daniel-Erasmus Khan; Georg Nolte; Andreas Paulus

ISBN: 9780199580156
Publication Date: 2013
This is the authoritative, article-by-article account of the legislative history, interpretation, and practical application of each and every Charter provision. This book combines academic research with the insights of practice, and is an indispensable work of reference for all those interested in the UN. The Commentary will be crucial in providing new directions for the development of international law and the United Nations in the twenty-first century.
Cover Art
La Charte des Nations Unies : commentaire article par article – Jean-Pierre Cot et Alain Pellet

ISBN: 9782717850574
Publication Date: 2005
Commentary in French; gives an article-by-article account of the legislative history.




Una mirada a la historia de las Naciones Unidas (parte 1) 

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