Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

NATO in the 21st Century

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How has NATO’s agenda evolved since its inception during the cold war? With its military commitment in Afghanistan winding down and a recent successful campaign in Libya, what are the Alliance’s present-day security challenges?

Can the NATO alliance – forged during the Cold War — ensure global stability in the 21st Century? And should the U.S. continue to foot most of the bill? (Published on Jan 11, 2013. GREAT DECISIONS. Foreign Policy Association)


2013: NATO’s year in review

The top priority for the Alliance this year has been to build the capacity of the Afghan security forces so that they can take the lead for security throughout their country ahead of the withdrawal of the NATO-led force there in 2014. Detailed preparations for the post-2014 new NATO-led mission, which will train, assist and advise the Afghan forces, also got underway.

But Afghanistan was not the only item on NATO’s agenda. From deploying Patriot missiles to Turkey as a defensive precaution, to countering pirates off the Horn of Africa, to strengthening NATO’s capabilities and deepening its cooperation with partner countries, it has been another busy year for the Alliance.

NATO 2020: Assured security; dynamic engagement

The report of the Group of Experts on NATO’s new Strategic Concept comprises a summary of findings and a more detailed discussion of and recommendations on key issues, such as the security environment, core tasks, partnerships and Alliance capabilities. The report was aimed at assisting the Secretary General in drafting a new Strategic Concept for NATO, to be agreed by Allies at the Lisbon Summit in November 2010.

Nato – finally finding its feet? ANALYSIS REVIEW 5:31m (FT)

May 1, 2014 : With Nato-Russian relations under strain, pressure is on the military alliance to act decisively. Has it been given a new lease of life? The FT’s Frederick Studemann asks Michael Clarke, director of RUSI, and FT defence and security editor Sam Jones.

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