Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Russian journalists in exile battling the Kremlin

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February 2024 marks two years of war in Ukraine. This war has been fought not only on the battlefield — both inside Russia and abroad; Kremlin propaganda pushes its agenda 24/7. Independent Russian journalists have been jailed, fined, and forced out of the country for telling the truth about the war. Amsterdam has become a significant hub for Russian journalists in exile.

With no end in sight to this devastating war, what is the future of Russian journalism in exile? And what does the future hold for the war? The Moscow Times invites you to a conversation with Ukrainian-Russian filmmaker Alexander Rodnyansky, who has worked closely with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, continued by a conversation with former Channel One journalist Marina Ovsyannikova to explore these questions. These interviews will be followed by a panel discussion with TV Rain anchor Mikhail Fishman, The Guardian reporter Pjotr Sauer and The Moscow Times’ publisher Alexander Gubsky.


In exile, Russian journalists battle the Kremlin’s Goliath (W Post, Feb 12, 2024)


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