Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

3 enero, 2022
por Felipe Sahagún
0 Comentarios

The Global State of Democracy Report 2021 (IDEA)

International IDEA@Int_IDEA #Democracy globally is suffering. For the first time in years, we are in a situation where hybrid & authoritarian regimes outnumber high performing democracies. Access @Int_IDEA‘s latest #GlobalstateofDemocracy Report #RenewDemocracy | #GSoD2021 11:00 a. m. · 3 … Continuar leyendo

30 noviembre, 2021
por Felipe Sahagún
0 Comentarios

Democracy in the world 2021 (Freedom House, EIU and IDEA)

  WRITTEN BY Sarah Repucci Amy Slipowitz As a lethal pandemic, economic and physical insecurity, and violent conflict ravaged the world in 2020, democracy’s defenders sustained heavy new losses in their struggle against authoritarian foes, shifting the international balance in … Continuar leyendo