Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

18 diciembre, 2013
por Felipe Sahagún
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Conflict prevention (CFR plus….)

   CPA’s conflict prevention resources currently include an index of publicly available watchlists and datasets as well as the Preventive Priorities Survey series. The Index is organized by dependent variable, and like the Preventive Priorities Survey, will be updated periodically … Continuar leyendo

1 octubre, 2013
por Felipe Sahagún
0 Comentarios

Relations between China and the US: comparative connections

Comparative Connections v.15 n.2 A Triannual E-Journal on East Asian Bilateral Relations Japan-China Relations:  Going Nowhere Slowly By James J. Przystup Sep 15, 2013 Repeated efforts by the Abe government to engage China in high-level dialogue failed to produce a … Continuar leyendo