Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

The media and Israel’s war on Gaza (Listening Post, the best program of its kind)

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A weekly programme that examines and dissects the world’s media, how they operate and the stories they cover. Watch The Listening Post every Saturday at 0830GMT

Palestine-Israel through three European lenses

Is­rael vs Hamas: Bat­tle for nar­ra­tive su­prema­cy

How hos­pi­tals be­came ‘fair game’ in Is­rael’s war on Gaza

US me­dia on Is­rael-Gaza: What’s lack­ing?

Is­rael’s me­dia: Be­tween trau­ma and anger

Gaza’s jour­nal­ists: Re­port­ing un­der bom­bard­ment

Israel-Gaza: Genocidal rhetoric and the fog of war

The crucial context of Israel’s war on Gaza


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