Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Trump against the press (Jan 21-23, 2017)

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The White House Press Secretary Makes A Statement (Jan 21, 2017)

President Trump Delivers Remarks at CIA Headquarters (Jan 21, 2017)



The clip of Sean Spicer walking out, using reporters as hate objects, and leaving without taking a single question.

Factcheck: Trump and Spicer’s Statements on Inaugural Crowd Size

Aerial shots of Trump and Obama events

Trump claims media ‘dishonest’ over crowd photos – BBC News. The US president claims 1.5m attended his inauguration but provides no evidence. 

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: President Trump made four false claims in his first two days in office. They are about crowds and rain.

Photo published for Kellyanne Conway says Donald Trump’s team has ‘alternative facts.’ Which pretty much says it all.

Kellyanne Conway says Donald Trump’s team has ‘alternative facts.’ Which pretty much says it all.

Out: “Fake news.” In: “Alternative facts.» 

Photo published for Kellyanne Conway's comments on 'alternative facts' annotated

Kellyanne Conway’s comments on ‘alternative facts’ annotated

Kellyanne Conway, one of President Donald Trump’s top advisers, presented the White House’s false claims about the inaugural crowd size as «alternative facts.» In a Jan. 22 interview with NBC’s Chuck…

Will President Trump deny reality on a daily basis? If so, what are the consequences? Here are 50 questions I have

The traditional way of reporting on a president is dead. And Trump’s press secretary killed it. |

.@PressSec Sean Spicer says the default narrative about Trump is «always negative,» calling it «demoralizing» 

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