Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

US-China tensions escalate (Taiwan, WHO, Hong Kong…) -GPS

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Fareed Zakaria@FareedZakaria

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What does the @WHO say to accusations by Pres. Trump & allies that it mishandled Covid-19 & was afraid to offend China? And as Trump threatens to pull funding, could it function w/o the US?
I asked one of the org’s top officials, Stewart Simonson, who leads its office in NYC.

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On China, Democrats are falling into a familiar trap: Republicans take a legitimate challenge & pump it up into a mortal danger, exaggerating the threat & accusing Dems of appeasement. Instead of standing their ground, Democrats get scared & join in the scare-mongering.

The changing nature of Chinese diplomacy. Unilateralism and a one-size-fits-all approach have replaced the Zhou and Deng strategy of persuasion and compromise.

Chinese diplomacy has taken a sharp turn, writes fmr Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale: 


Hong Kong police fired tear gas to disperse anti-government protesters as thousands thronged the streets to protest against Beijing’s plan to directly impose national-security laws on the city

From The Washington Post

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