Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

8 septiembre, 2014
por Felipe Sahagún
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The job of a teacher around the world

GuardianEducation @GuardianEdu How the job of a teacher compares around the world …#edchat 12:30 AM – 9 Sep 2014 How the job of a teacher compares around the world Chinese teachers are treated with the greatest respect, while Finland’s education … Continuar leyendo

8 septiembre, 2014
por Felipe Sahagún
0 Comentarios

Intelligence challenges grow, resources decline

Intelligence Challenges Grow, Available
 Resources Decline – DNI Clapper Interview in Signal Magazine September 1, 2014 By Robert K. Ackerman Signal Magazine The U.S. intelligence community has suffered significant damage from a perfect storm of insider revelations and budget cutbacks. … Continuar leyendo