Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

After the Afghan Debacle (The National Interest) + the war + how it was in the 50’s

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How can the United States ensure that the withdrawal does not resurrect terrorist threats posed by radical groups in and around the region – the very danger that brought us into Afghanistan twenty years ago? And how can we ensure that our geostrategic rivals – China, Russia, and Iran, among others – do not exploit perceived American weakness on other matters of vital concern? Please enjoy the Center for the National Interest’s discussion with a distinguished panel of experts where these questions were addressed.

Our panel consisted of:

-Milton Bearden is a Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow at the Center for the National Interest. He served in numerous senior positions during a distinguished career at the CIA, including as station chief in Pakistan. His books include The Main Enemy: The Inside Story of the CIA’s Final Showdown with the KGB (with James Risen) and The Black Tulip: A Novel of War in Afghanistan.

-Cheryl Benard was the program director in the RAND National Security Research Division. She is the author of Veiled Courage, Inside the Afghan Women’s Resistance; Afghanistan: State and Society; Democracy and Islam in the Constitution of Afghanistan; and Securing Health, Lessons from Nation-building Missions. Currently, she is Director of ARCH International an organization that protects cultural heritage sites in crisis zones.

-Anatol Lieven is a senior fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and author of Pakistan: A Hard Country. From 1985 to 1998, he worked as a journalist in South Asia, the former Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe and covered the wars in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and the southern Caucasus.

-Dov Zakheim is Vice Chairman of the board of directors at the Center for the National Interest. He served as Under Secretary of Defense in the George W. Bush administration and had a direct role in the planning and execution of the early phases of the war in Afghanistan.

Aug 25, 2021

Article by George Beebe

Intervention de Jean-Luc Mélenchon le 18 septembre 2019 à l’Assemblée nationale à propos d’un traité de coopération entre l’Union européenne et l’Afghanistan. Le président du groupe «La France insoumise» a commencé son exposé par parler de la première cause de la guerre : le pétrole et les pipelines.

Il a dénoncé le rôle néfaste des États-Unis qui, après avoir entretenu Al Qaïda, sont intervenus militairement officiellement pour détruire cette organisation terroriste. Jean-Luc Mélenchon a dénoncé les hypocrisies contenues dans le texte de l’accord de coopération UE-Afghanistan, pointant notamment du doigt la question des droits des femmes ou encore de la liberté de conscience. Il a dénoncé un énième accord de libre-échange prônant par exemple la libre circulation des capitaux dans les échanges avec un pays qui est le premier producteur de drogue.

La guerre en Afghanistan dure depuis plus de 40 ans. Ce pays a connu un conflit lié à la guerre froide, des guerres civiles entre seigneurs de guerre, une guerre moderne entre Talibans et forces gouvernementales et de l’OTAN, et une guerre contre le terrorisme. Les Afghans ont tout connu… Nous revenons ici sur le déroulé des événements et l’ingérence que le pays subit depuis toutes ces décennies.

Sixty years ago, life in Afghanistan was very different to the battleground it’s become in recent decades. America’s relationship with the country was also very different as can be seen from a remarkable treasure trove of films, shot in the 1950s by American Glenn Foster, and his Afghan assistant Hajji Mehtabuddin. Saeeda Mahmood, born and brought up in southern Afghanistan, explores and introduces the films.


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