Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Covering climate change better

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Reuters Institute

@risj_oxford anuncia el lanzamiento de la Oxford Climate Journalism Network para ayudar a los periodistas a cubrir mejor la crisis climática. Con el apoyo de la European Climate Foundation, ofrecerá acceso a expertos, foros e investigación.
The project, funded by the European Climate Foundation, will provide members with unique access to leading experts, forums, and research

The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism is launching the Oxford Climate Journalism Network, a project designed to help journalists and newsroom leaders transform the way they cover the climate crisis.

News media remain the most widely used source of information about climate change, and it is important that journalists and editors in all media organisations are equipped to cover the issue, what it means locally as well as globally, and how it is intertwined with other areas from business to politics, so they can help people understand the realities of climate change and how we might respond to them.

The Oxford Climate Journalism Network is a unique new opportunity for participating journalists and their organisations to strengthen their competences to cover climate change, not as an isolated topic, but as something that intersects with many other aspects of our lives and societies. By providing its members with unique access to world-leading experts, professional forums for exchanging ideas with peers, and by connecting members with relevant scientists and research, the network will help reporters and editors think through the professional, organisational, and ethical questions journalism faces when it comes to climate coverage. 


Los principales medios internacionales calientan motores con especiales, secciones o podcasts nuevos antes de la #COP26Glasgow de noviembre. Ej en @washingtonpost y @guardian:

 Environment correspondent

The world is poised to make a big leap forward at the UN Cop26 climate summit, with world leaders “sharpening their pencils” to make fresh commitments that could put the goals of the 2015 Paris agreement within reach, John Kerry has said.

Kerry, special envoy for climate to Joe Biden, gave an upbeat assessment of the prospects for Cop26, which begins in Glasgow at the end of this month, saying he anticipated “surprising announcements” from key countries.

“The measure of success at Glasgow is we will have the largest, most significant increase in ambition [on cutting emissions] by more countries than everyone ever imagined possible. A much larger group of people are stepping up,” he said in an interview with the Guardian. “I know certain countries are working hard right now on what they can achieve.”

Kerry cautioned that there was “still a lot of distance to travel in the next four weeks” and that the progress he anticipated was not yet “signed, sealed and delivered”. That view echoes private soundings the Guardian has taken from the UK hosts, the UN and other key figures.



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