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Days Ahead of Israeli Annexation Deadline, Is the Two-state Solution All but Dead?

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Haaretz Zoom talk on annexation

Thank you to the thousands of Haaretz readers around the world who joined us live. If you weren’t able to join the conversation live, you can still catch the full discussion below. We look forward to seeing you again on another session of Haaretz Live soon.

Watch Haaretz’s West Bank correspondent Hagar Shezaf, diplomatic correspondent Noa Landau and Arab affairs correspondent Jack Khoury go live with readers to discuss the looming deadline for Israel to announce plans for annexing West Bank territories.

Hagar, Noa and Jack answered readers’ questions just days ahead of the July 1 deadline that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly cited as the official date for announcing plans to annex parts of the West Bank. As Noa writes, «the closer that date gets, the more questions arise.» There is still no final map, no green light from the United States and no agreement within the Israeli government itself.

So, what should we expect on July 1? Will Netanyahu miss his own deadline or make good on his plans? What’s at stake for Israel, the Palestinians and the security of the region? Will an annexation spark unrest in the West Bank and Gaza?

Watch, as Hagar, Noa and Jack discuss these questions and more.

Thanks for joining. We hope to see you at another session of Haaretz Live soon.

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