OECD, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Publication Date : 23 Sep 2013
Pages : 200
ISBN : 9789264202511 (PDF)La producción agrícola mundial crecerá un 1,5 por ciento al año de promedio durante la próxima década, en comparación con un crecimiento anual del 2,1 por ciento entre 2003 y 2012, según las previsiones de las Perspectivas Agriculas 2013-2022 de la OCDE y la FAO.
Descarga la publicación en línea de las Perspectivas Agrícolas 2013-2022
Food Prices: One Year After
Posted: 10/05/2013 4:21 pm (The Huff Post)
Just over a year ago, a sharp rise in maize prices, triggered by the worst drought in the last 50 years in the US Midwest, sent shock waves through the international food markets raising fears that food prices would spiral out of control as they had in 2007-8, 2010-11 and 2012. Fortunately, this did not happen and food prices leveled out around September 2012.
The outlook for international food markets finally looks brighter today, at least for consumers. The FAO Food Price Index has fallen for the last five months and cereal prices are around 20 percent lower than in August 2012 thanks to a better supply outlook and healthier stock levels.
FAO is forecasting an 8 percent increase in world cereal production this year. Higher production allows for rebuilding of stocks, which had fallen to historically low levels. An expected 13 percent increase in world cereal closing stocks should drive up the global stock-to-use ratio to 23.3 percent, the highest since 2003. If the expected increases in stock-to-use ratios are confirmed, then the markets will have greater resilience to any shocks and price volatility should be restrained
It is also important to recognize the role of global governance in this positive development, by increasing transparency, market information and helping control factors that had led to price spikes before. The Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) played an important role in making this happen. Set up by the G20 in 2011 with a multi-agency secretariat hosted by FAO, AMIS provided timely and reliable information, increasing transparency in the international food market and assuring better coordination between the main players to reduce market instability and unilateral action… MORE
How to feed the world. The Economist, Aug 26, 2013