Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Privacy, Security and Ethics in an Asymmetric World

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Salzburg Global Seminar

Report from the inaugural program of the Salzburg Global Law and Technology Forum now available online

Topics of discussion: 

  • Ensuring an ethical underpinning for technological development, consistent with the rule of law and global public good, seeking in particular to balance needs for security and privacy, law enforcement and human rights, and responsibilities for private firms and public institutions to each other and to citizens.
  • Resolving specific priority issues and global challenges through a comprehensive and cross-sectoral process within conditions of mutual trust.
  • Devising methods to equip rule-makers from judicial, legislative, and executive bodies with technological literacy, including both through facilitating continuing education or mainstreaming technical staff advising and supporting the rule-makers within institutional and legal processes.
  • Developing leadership skills and competencies that help to unleash human potential to lead technological change, exploiting existing capabilities and new opportunities.

The takeaways from this inaugural program, together with input from the Advisory Committee, will now inform the future topics of discussion for the Salzburg Global Law and Technology Forum, the next program of which will be held in 2020.

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