Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

1 octubre, 2020
por Felipe Sahagún
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American attitudes toward foreign policy (Chicago Council’s annual survey)

Americans’ Views on Key Debate Issues: COVID-19, Race, Election Interference, Economy The first presidential debate, scheduled for September 29, will feature 15-minute segments on several topics that include the COVID-19 pandemic, race and violence in cities, election integrity and the economy. … Continuar leyendo

2 septiembre, 2020
por Felipe Sahagún
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Is Trump a Turning Point in World Politics? (Joseph Nye)

Sep 1, 2020 Will Donald Trump’s presidency mark a major turning point in world history, or was it a minor historical accident? Trump’s electoral appeal may turn on domestic politics, but his effect on world politics could be transformational, particularly … Continuar leyendo

18 agosto, 2020
por Felipe Sahagún
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Funding your graduate educ in int. affairs (Foreign Policy)

THE CURRENT economic downturn may be a wise time to consider graduate school, to position yourself for your ideal job when the market strengthens and geopolitical priorities and leadership remain critical on many fronts. In the Summer 2020 FP Guide: Funding Your … Continuar leyendo

22 junio, 2020
por Felipe Sahagún
0 Comentarios

A conversation with Josep Borrell (June 22, 2020)

European External Action Service – EEAS  ✔@eu_eeas Brussels Forum 2020 // A Conversation with Josep Borrell  Follow live the participation of @josepborrellf in the #BrusselsForum on the future of a global Europe! …German Marshall Fund@gmfus         1:03 … Continuar leyendo